!±8±Bluetooth Folding KeyBoard for PDA's Apple iPad iPad 2 / PC's / Smart Phones / BlackBerry / Android OS
Brand : FreedomRate :

Price : $65.26
Post Date : Mar 15, 2012 06:30:11
Usually ships in 24 hours

Take control of your mobile device with the Freedom Pro Keyboard! Our latest, and best, Dual Profile, Bluetooth portable keyboard. With all the portability and practicality of our previous keyboards but with additional functions, improved driver software and additional keys to give you even more control of your mobile device. The Freedom Pro Keyboard has both HID and SPP Bluetooth profiles to give the widest range of support. Because of its Dual Profile Bluetooth Module the Freedom Pro Keyboard will also work with all devices that have built in support for HID Bluetooth keyboards, such as: Netbooks, UMPC's, Home theatre PC's, Playstation 3, PC's running Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc. and Apple iPad 1 & 2
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